Stainless Steel and Hospital Equipment

    Stainless Steel and Hospital Equipment

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    Medical Gas Systems

      Medical Gas Systems

      You can review our medical gas catalog here and have information about our products.

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      Medical Air Plants

        It can be understood from the introduction of the Medical Air Plant, which is in our medical gas systems group.

        • It is a central system used to supply the medical air required for hospital departments. It is capable of providing a flow rate of 10 bar with one compressor not running (after dryer losses) (MES C11, HTM2022)
        • Depending on the project or system capacity, 2 or 3 compressors are used. Each can provide 10 bar air pressure (class F, BS 1999)
        • Vertical or horizontal air vessel is used depending on the project or system capacity. When using a horizontal tank, compressors can be mounted on the tank (EN 286, BS 5169/1975 Class 3 Grade E)
        • Air delivery is via duplex sets of filters, pre-filter, dust filter, activated carbon filter and bacterial filter (BS 7226:1989)
        • Duplex desiccant is used for air drying. It is controlled by a separate control panel and incorporate a dew point alarm system
        • Equal-time operation of each compressor is ensured by the automatic control panel (IEE, BS 4941)
        • 4-7 bar regulation group with by-pass allows air pressure to be adjusted according to the places to be used
        • MDD 93/42/EEC, Class IIb Medical Devices
        PP-MAS-235 2 x 35 m³/h
        PP-MAS-240 2 x 40 m³/h
        PP-MAS-260 2 x 60 m³/h
        PP-MAS-290 2 x 90 m³/h
        PP-MAS-2110 2 x 110 m³/h
        PP-MAS-2150 2 x 150 m³/h
        PP-MAS-2200 2 x 200 m³/h
        PP-MAS-2250 2 x 250 m³/h
        PP-MAS-2300 2 x 300 m³/h
        PP-MAS-335 3 x 35 m³/h
        PP-MAS-340 3 x 40 m³/h
        PP-MAS-360 3 x 60 m³/h
        PP-MAS-390 3 x 90 m³/h
        PP-MAS-3110 3 x 110 m³/h
        PP-MAS-3150 3 x 150 m³/h
        PP-MAS-3200 3 x 200 m³/h
        PP-MAS-3250 3 x 250 m³/h
        PP-MAS-3300 3 x 300 m³/h

        Medical Vacuum Plants

          You can examine the features of the Medical Vacuum Plant in our medical gas systems group below.

          • It is a central system used to supply the medical vacuum required for hospital departments. It is capable of maintaining a vacuum of at least 300 mmHg (40 kPa) at the connection point of each terminal unit with a flow of 40 L/min within an HTM2022 designed system design flow (MES C11, HTM2022)
          • Depending on the project or system capacity, 2 or 3 vacuum pumps are used. Vacuum pumps are 380-415 volt three-phase 50 Hz electric motor running, oil lubricated, air cooled and rotary vane (BS 4999)
          • Vertical or horizontal vacuum tank is used depending on the project or system capacity. When using a horizontal tank, vacuum pumps can be mounted on the tank (EN 286, BS 5169/1975 Class 3 Grade E)
          • Equal-time operation of each pump is ensured by the automatic control panel (IEE, BS 4941)
          • Each system has a waste bottle and duplex bacterial filters ( guarentees bacterial removal to 0,005%) acording to the plant capacity (BS 3928)
          • MDD 93/42/EEC, Class IIa Medical Devices
          PP-MVS-240 2 x 40 m³/h
          PP-MVS-260 2 x 60 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2100 2 x 100 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2160 2 x 160 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2200 2 x 200 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2250 2 x 250 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2300 2 x 300 m³/h
          PP-MVS-2600 2 x 600 m³/h
          PP-MVS-340 3 x 40 m³/h
          PP-MVS-360 3 x 60 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3100 3 x 100 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3160 3 x 160 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3200 3 x 200 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3250 3 x 250 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3300 3 x 300 m³/h
          PP-MVS-3600 3 x 600 m³/h

          Pressure Reducer Accessories

            You can examine our pressure reducing equipment models and features in our medical gas systems group below.

            Tube Protection Chains

            1 PMG-ZTT-1
            2 PMG-ZTT-2
            3 PMG-ZTT-3
            4 PMG-ZTT-4
            5 PMG-ZTT-5

            z: Number of cylinders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

            Supply Collectors

            1 PMG-GKL-1
            2 PMG-GKL-2
            3 PMG-GKL-3
            4 PMG-GKL-4
            5 PMG-GKL-5

            z: Number of cylinders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

            Flexible Connection Pipes

            PP-FCP-O: Flexible connection for oxygen
            PP-FCP-A: Flexible connection for nitrousoxide

            x: 0 (Oxygen), A (Nitrous Oxide), SA (Pure Nitrogen)
            AR (Argon), KG (Mixed Gas), K
            (Corbondioxide), HD (Hydrogen), H (Dry Air),
            HE (Helium), AT (Acetylene), EO (Ethylene

            Copper Pipe Installation

            Medical Copper Pipes

            • Cleaned for medical usage and sutuffed.
            • Hard drawn and 5 m length
            • EN 13348 standard


            10 mm PS-MCP-10
            12 mm PS-MCP-12
            15 mm PS-MCP-15
            22 mm PS-MCP-22
            28 mm PS-MCP-28
            35 mm PS-MCP-35
            42 mm PS-MCP-42
            54 mm PS-MCP-54
            76 mm PS-MCP-76

            Medical Gas Valves

            • Cleaned for medical usage


            10 mm PS-MGV-10
            12 mm PS-MGV-12
            15 mm PS-MGV-15
            22 mm PS-MGV-22
            28 mm PS-MGV-28
            35 mm PS-MGV-35
            42 mm PS-MGV-42
            54 mm PS-MGV-54
            76 mm PS-MGV-76

            High Pressure Reducer Units

              You can examine the features of Central Gas Power Plants (Cylinder Feeding System) in our medical gas systems group below.


              • The central gas plant consists of pressure tubes and two-stage high-pressure reducers, each connected by means of a collector
              • Collectors are used for the transmission of pressurized gas in the tubes to the regulators. The tubes are fixed to the collectors with chain
              • There is a valve at the end of the collector for high pressure relief
              • Gas-specific flexible connection pipes are used between the manifold and the cylinders
              • Product code (automatic) : PP-OPR-xyz
              • Product Code (Manual) : PP-MPR-xyz

              x: 0 (Oxygen), A (Nitrous Oxide), SA (Pure Nitrogen), AR (Argon), KG (Mixed Gas), K (Corbondioxide), HD (Hydrogen), H (Dry Air), HE (Helium), AT (Acetylene), EO (Ethylene Oxide)

              y: Number of collectors (2, 4, 6, 8), z: Number of cylinders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)



              2 x 1 PP-OPR-O21 PP-OPR-A21
              2 x 2 PP-OPR-O22 PP-OPR-A22
              2 x 3 PP-OPR-O23 PP-OPR-A23
              2 x 4 PP-OPR-O24 PP-OPR-A24
              2 x 5 PP-OPR-O25 PP-OPR-A25
              4 x 5 PP-OPR-O45 PP-OPR-A45
              6 x 5 PP-OPR-O65 PP-OPR-A65
              8 x 5 PP-OPR-O85 PP-OPR-A85


              1 x 1 PP-MPR-O11 PP-MPR-A11
              1 x 2 PP-MPR-O12 PP-MPR-A12
              1 x 3 PP-MPR-O13 PP-MPR-A13
              1 x 4 PP-MPR-O14 PP-MPR-A14
              1 x 5 PP-MPR-O15 PP-MPR-A15

              Full Automatic High Pressure Reducer

              • High Pressure Reducer Units reduces the pressure of gas come from collector which is mounted to the cylinders.
                The pressure of gas in collectors (150 bar —MPa —2176 psi) is reduced to 4-7 bar that is appropriate pressure to provide for patients and medical devices through pipeline systems
              • Supplies any type of medical gas from both left and right hand manifold racks.
                The left or right manifold bank can be defined as "Mission" and the MC S will automatically supply the distribution system from the
                "Standby " bank when pressure in the "Mission" bank drops to a pre-determined level.
              • Sytem includes a digital panel with visual and sound alarm.
                (MES C11, HTM2022)
              • Product Code: PP-OPR-x
                x: 0 (Oxygen), A (Nitrous Oxide), SA (Pure Nitrogen), AR (Argon), KG (Mixed Gas), K (Corbondioxide), HD (Hydrogen), H (Dry Air), HE (Helium), AT (Acetylene), PP-OPR-x
                EO (Ethylene Oxide)

              Manuel Yüksek Basınç Düşürücü

              • High Pressure Reducer used as a backup system or used in manuel plants
              • Product Code: PP-MPR-x

              x: 0 (Oxygen), A (Nitrous Oxide), SA (Pure Nitrogen), AR (Argon), KG (Mixed Gas), K (Corbondioxide), HD (Hydrogen), H (Dry Air), HE (Helium), AT (Acetylene), PP-OPR-x
              EO (Ethylene Oxide)

              Medical Gas Accessories

                You can examine our medical gas accessory models and products in the medical gas systems group.

                Central Vacuum Unit

                • 1 vacuum regulator
                • 2 vacuum jar (2,3 or 51t capacity)
                • Four castors, two with brakes
                • 2 mt silicone hose
                • 3 mt vacuum hose with a gas probe on it


                VACUUM JAR BRITISH (BS)
                STD. PROBE
                GERMAN (DIN)
                STD. PROBE
                FRENCH (NF)
                STD. PROBE
                2 x 2 Lt PP-CVT-B22 PP-CVT-D22 PP-CVT-F22
                2 x 3 Lt PP-CVT-B23 PP-CVT-D23 PP-CVT-F23
                2 x 4 Lt PP-CVT-B24 PPP-CVT-D24 PP-CVT-F24

                x = Probe Standard (BS=B, DIN=D, NF=F), y = Vacuum jar capacity

                Silicon Vacuum Hose

                Earthing Node

                Rail Aparatus for Vacumm Jar

                Wall Aparatus for Vacuum Jar

                Central Vacuum Unit


                VACUUM JAR BRITISH (BS)
                STD. PROBE
                GERMAN (DIN)
                STD. PROBE
                1 Lt PS-VJ-R1 PS-VJ-W1
                2 Lt PS-VJ-R2 PS-VJ-W2
                3 Lt PS-VJ-R3 PS-VJ-W3
                5 Lt PS-VJ-R5 PS-VJ-W5

                z = (Rail) & D (Wall) mounted
                q = Vacuum jar capacity

                Central Vacuum Unit

                PMG-PGH-O Pneumatic Gas Hose for Oxgen - White
                PMG-PGH-A Pneumatic Gas Hose for Nitrousoxide - Blue
                PMG-PGH-M4 Pneumatic Gas Hose for Medical Air - Black
                PMG-PGH-S7 Pneumatic Gas Hose for Surgical Air - Black
                PMG-PGH-V Pneumatic Gas Hose for Vacuum - Yellow
                PMG-PGH-AGS Pneumatic Gas Hose for AGSS - Red

                Medical Gas Adaptors

                  You can examine our medical gas adapters models and features in our medical gas systems group below.


                  • Flowmeters regulates oxygen flow rate for medical devices
                  • The scaled tube is made of polycarbonate for high resistance to breakage and autoclavable
                  • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-F1-B British (BS) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-F1-D German (DIN) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-F1-F French (DIN) Standard Flowmeter

                  Humidifier Bottles

                  • Regulates oxygen flow rate and humidifies oxygen for patient usage
                  • 200 cc Polycarbonate bottle
                  • High resistance to breakage and autoclavable


                  PP-H1 Long Type Humidifier Bottle
                  PP-H2 Short Type Humidifier Bottle

                  Oxygen Flowmeters

                  • Oxygen Flowmeters are used to provide oxygen to the patient from terminal unit through nasal cannula or mask by regulating flow rate and passing through humidifier
                  • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-FH-B British (BS) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-FH-D German (DIN) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-FH-F French (NF) Standard Flowmeter

                  Double Oxygen Flowmeters

                  • Oxygen Flowmeters are used to provide oxygen to 2 separate patients at the same time from terminal unit through nasal cannula or mask by regulating flow rate and passing through humidifiers
                  • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-FHD-B British (BS) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-FHD-D German (DIN) Standard Flowmeter
                  PP-FHD-F French (NF) Standard Flowmeter

                  Regulator & Oxygen Flowmeter

                  • Oxygen Flowmeters are used to provide oxygen to the patient from terminal unit through nasal cannula or mask by regulating flow rate and passing through humidifier
                  • Flowmeters regulates oxygen flow rate for medical devices
                  • Single input and double outputs
                  • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-FHGV-B Regulator & Flowmeter British (BS) Standard
                  PP-FHGV-D Regulator & Flowmeter German (DIN) Standard
                  PP-FHGV-F Regulator & Flowmeter French (NF) Standard

                  Oxygen Flowmeters - Rail Type

                  • Oxygen Flowmeters are used to provide oxygen to the patient from terminal unit through nasal cannula or mask by regulating flow rate and passing through humidifier
                  • Regulator is used to regulate pressure and provides oxygen gas for medical devices
                  • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-FHRL-B Rail Type Flowmeter British (BS) Standard
                  PP-FHRL-D Rail Type Flowmeter German (DIN) Standard
                  PP-FHRL-F Rail Type Flowmeter French (NF) Standard

                  Gas Flow Valves

                  • Opens and closes the flow rate of medical gases and provides the connection between gas outlets and medical devices
                  • Working range of pressure gauge 0-16 bar
                  • Working range of vacuum gauge 0-760 mmHg
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass
                  OXYGEN PP-GV-BO PP-GV-DO PP-GV-FO
                  MEDICAL AIR 4 BAR PP-GV-BM4 PP-GV-DM4 PP-GV-FM4
                  SURGICAL AIR 7 BAR PP-GV-BS7 PP-GV-DS7 PP-GV-FS7
                  VACUUM PP-GV-BV PP-GV-DV PP-GV-FV

                  Vacuum Regulators

                  • Regulates pressure of vacuum and deliveres consistent vacuum from gas outlets to the medical devices
                  • Working range of vacuum gauge 0-760 mmHg
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-VR-B British (BS) Standard Vacuum Regulator
                  PP-VR-D German (DIN) Standard Vacuum Regulator
                  PP-VR-F French (NF) Standard Vacuum Regulator

                  Rail Type Vacuum Regulators

                  • Regulates pressure of vacuum and deliveres consistent vacuum from gas outlets to the medical devices
                  • Working range of vacuum gauge 0-760 mmHg
                  • Regulator is used to regulate pressure and provides oxygen gas for medical devices
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-VRR-B British (BS) Std. Vacuum Regulator - Rail Type
                  PP-VRR-D German (DIN) Std. Vacuum Regulator - Rail Type
                  PP-VRR-F French (NF) Std. Vacuum Regulator - Rail Type

                  Vacuum Regulator With Bottle

                  • Regulates pressure of vacuum and deliveres consistent vacuum from gas outlets to the medical devices
                  • Bottle is used for safety container between regulator and vacuum jar
                  • Working range of vacuum gauge 0-760 mmHg
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-VRB-B British Standard (BS) Regulator with Bottle
                  PP-VRB-D German Standard (DIN) Regulator with Bottle
                  PP-VRB-F French Standard (NF) Regulator with Bottle

                  Turbo Vacuum Regulator

                  • Generates vacuum by oxygen or pressurized air and system is called as venturi
                  • Working range of vacuum gauge 0-760 mmHg
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  PP-VRT-B British (BS) Standard Turbo Vacuum Regulator
                  PP-VRT-D German (DIN) Standard Turbo Vacuum Regulator
                  PP-VRT-F French (NF) Standard Turbo Vacuum Regulator

                  Gas Probes

                  • Providing the connection between gas outlets and medical devices without regulation
                  • The body is made of chromed plated brass


                  OXYGEN PP-GP-BO PP-GP-DO PP-GP-FO
                  MEDICAL AIR 4 BAR PP-GP-BM4 PP-GP-DM4 PP-GP-FM4
                  SURGICAL AIR 7 BAR PP-GP-BS7 PP-GP-DS7 PP-GP-FS7
                  VACUUM PP-GP-BV PP-GP-DV PP-GP-FV



                  Anesthetic Gas Scavenging Probe
                  Pump Type


                  Anesthetic Gas Scavenging Probe
                  Venture Type


                  High Pressure Equipment

                    You can examine our high security equipment models in our medical gas systems groups and how they are.

                    Oxygen Teraphy Device

                    • Device is used to reduce the pressure of the oxygen cylinder and provide oxygen to the patient with nasal cannula
                    • The body is made of chromed plated brass
                    • The called tube graduated range from 0-15 1pm
                    • The body of regulator and flowmeter is made of chromed plated brass PP-OTC

                    High Pressure Regulator with Gas Outlet

                    • Device is used to reduce the pressure of the oxygen cylinder and provides oxygen to the patient or medical devices with gas outlet
                    • Working range of pressure gauge 0-315 bar
                    • The body of regulator is made of chromed plated brass
                    • .


                    PP-HPR-B British (BS) Standard Regulator with Bottle
                    PP-HPR-D German (DIN) Standard Regulator with Bottle
                    PP-HPR-F French (NF) Standard Regulator with Bottle

                    Zone Control and Alarm Units

                      You can review our floor control and alarm panels models and reviews in our medical gas systems group.


                      • Used for controlling gas flows in specified zones and pipeline systems
                      • Provides opening and closure of gas lines with the valves
                      • Displays an instant pressure value on the LCD screen and warns when the pressure goes out of set ranges
                      • If the distribution line is too long and this causes pressure drops, second stage pressure regulators can be installed (in this case it is called Regional Gas Control Unit)
                      • Units have a maximum of 5 gases and their sizes vary according to the number of gases and second stage regulators.
                      • Zone control case can be installed as surface mount or flush mount
                      • The unit is made of electrostatic coated DKP or stainless
                        steel, all valves are stainless and other parts are
                        made of brass
                      • Alarm system is installed on the main unit
                      • In case of emergency, front cover can be opened and
                        breakable glass should allow for rapid intervention and external
                        supply point can be mounted with NIST connections
                      • Front cover and locking systems prevent unauthorized intervensions.


                      PP-AVSU-FM1 PP-AVSU-SM1 Zone Control & Alarm Unit for 1 Gases
                      PP-AVSU-FM2 PP-AVSU-SM2 Zone Control & Alarm Unit for 2 Gases
                      PP-AVSU-FM3 PP-AVSU-SM3 Zone Control & Alarm Unit for 3 Gases
                      PP-AVSU-FM4 PP-AVSU-SM4 Zone Control & Alarm Unit for 4 Gases
                      PP-AVSU-FM5 PP-AVSU-SM5 Zone Control & Alarm Unit for 5 Gases
                      PP-ZCU-FM1 PP-ZCU-SM1 Zone Control Unit for 1 Gas
                      PP-ZCU-FM2 PP-ZCU-SM2 Zone Control Unit for 2 Gases
                      PP-ZCU-FM3 PP-ZCU-SM3 Zone Control Unit for 3 Gases
                      PP-ZCU-FM4 PP-ZCU-SM4 Zone Control Unit for 4 Gases
                      PP-ZCU-FM5 PP-ZCU-SM5 Zone Control Unit for 5 Gases

                      x = SM (Surface Mounted ) / FM (Flush Mounted), y = Gas Number 14